Sunday, August 06, 2006

Bear - Something + Clouds

Ok, this one is not part of the assignment. I just couldn't resist taking this as I was walking back to the truck.


Scarlett O'Hara said...

These are AWESOME, Barry! I love them. I'm a sucker for sunsets anyway! LOL...

We had some clouds this morning, but I was late for work and my hands/arms full up, so no time to take the camera with me. Very strong wind, they were moving extremely fast. Other than that, it's another Blue Sky day here...nary a cloud in site now. LOL....

Bear said...

Thank's Jenna!

Jan, now you know my plan and the deal I made with Mother Nature.haha.... So far I've had clouds EVERY day, must be getting your share! LOL... You will get your pics in, I have no doubt of that.